Season 1

Ep 53: Esme scales Windermere

and John Brennan’s brief stint is


Go to episode:

Season 61, Episodes 56-61, Spoiler Level CFS (Crazy ** Spoilers)

Chase proposes, Ava receives a letter from Austin’s killer, Pikeman is revealed, and Cody impresses James. These and other topics in this week’s episode. In Fashion First Stacy and Kathy discuss Ava’s Sherlock Holmes moment. And in Musings they chat about Yuri and his various skills, all the unanswered questions (Anna and Sonny’s shooter, whoever is buying Windermere, Austin’s killer, and Charlotte’s brainwasher), Kristina’s apartment, Sonny’s need to park across all the spots, and much, much more.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. Drop us a review. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at and Kathy at

Recorded 12-2-23, Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans.

Ep 52: Brooke Lynn’s Quartermaine

is showing

Go to episode:

Season 61, Episodes 66-70, Spoiler Level NBD (No Big Deal Spoilers)

Will Brook Lynn go full Quartermaine? Can Dante and Sam figure out what the numbers in the wallet mean? These and other topics in this week’s episode. In Fashion First Stacy and Kathy completely disagree about Sasha’s shirt. And in Musings they chat about Sonny saying Cyrus is innocent of shooting Austin, whether Lucy and Martin are breaking up, how cute Robert and Diane are, and much, much more.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. Drop us a review. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at and Kathy at For more information, please visit us at

Recorded 12-18-23, Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans.

Ep 51: Perfection is the enemy of 

the good

Go to episode:

Season 61, Episodes 61-65, Spoiler Level MS (Medium Spoilers)

Pikeman’s evil plot is clear, Molly and Kristin come to an agreement, Chase proposes to Brook Lynn, and Anna torches her relationship with Valentin in a spectacular way. These and other topics in this week’s episode. In Fashion First Stacy and Kathy discuss Molly’s puffy sleeved shirt and Esme’s brush with fringe. And in Musings they chat about Irene’s visit to Marshall (Kathy ugly cried), the beautiful thing that is Olivia and Lois, Lucy and Scotty’s horrible flirting, and much, much more.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. Drop us a review. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at and Kathy at For more information, please visit us at

Recorded 12-9-23, Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans.

Ep 50: Pikeman is an Australian?!

Go to episode:

Season 61, Episodes 56-61, Spoiler Level CFS (Crazy ** Spoilers)

Chase proposes, Ava receives a letter from Austin’s killer, Pikeman is revealed, and Cody impresses James. These and other topics in this week’s episode. In Fashion First Stacy and Kathy discuss Ava’s Sherlock Holmes moment. And in Musings they chat about Yuri and his various skills, all the unanswered questions (Anna and Sonny’s shooter, whoever is buying Windermere, Austin’s killer, and Charlotte’s brainwasher), Kristina’s apartment, Sonny’s need to park across all the spots, and much, much more.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. Drop us a review. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at and Kathy at

Recorded 12-2-23, Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans.

Ep 49: Dead Bodies, Lies, and a cooked 

turkey in the Quartermaine Mansion?!?!

Go to episode:

Season 61, Episodes 52-55, Spoiler Level MS (Medium Spoilers)

Anna ID’s the body of the man who might have been stalking her…or maybe not. A turkey is cooked at the Quartermaine mansion. Curtis is going to be a PI again – YAYAYAYAY! And Ned turned back into Ned…ugh. These and other topics in this week’s episode. In Fashion First Stacy and Kathy discuss the birch print behind Michael’s desk. And in Musings they chat about all the confrontations with Charlotte, Austin being dead, why Uncle Pete might be calling Gloria (and who is Uncle Pete?), Trina choosing herself, and much, much more.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. Drop us a review. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at and Kathy at

Recorded 11-25-23, Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans.

Ep 48: The complete and utter

meltdown of Austin Gatlin Holt

Go to episode:

Season 61, Episodes 47-51, Spoiler Level CFS (Crazy ** Spoilers)

Is this Austin’s final chapter? Who took the documents from Anna’s chest? Will Sasha and Cody ever get together? Are those pills Adam is taking? These and other questions in this week’s episode. In Fashion First Stacy and Kathy discuss the fact that there was very little good fashion this week. And in Musings they chat about Molly and TJ, whether Carly will buy back the Metro Court, and Spencer’s quest to prove himself right when we really all know he is wrong.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. Drop us a review. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at and Kathy at For more information, please visit us at

Recorded 11-19-23, Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans.

Ep 47: Sasha and Cody Pose for

romantic pictures with an alpaca

Go to episode:

Season 61, Episodes 42-46, Spoiler Level CFS (Crazy ** Spoilers)

Please forgive the audio difficulties in this one – Kathy will figure out her audio and get a better mic.

Ned becomes Ned again, Charlotte reveals her deepest fears about Anna to Laura, Valentin tells Anna he’s been lying to her, and Sasha brings peace to Maxie and Brooklynn. In Fashion First Stacy and Kathy discuss the safety pin on Lois’ sweater and why it was so…so wrong. And in Musings they chat about ownership of Deception, Ava learning who Austin works for, Trina breaking up with Spencer, and that great scene with Drew and Curtis.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. Drop us a review. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at and Kathy at

Recorded 11-11-23, Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans.

Ep 46: A shooting, a reunion,

Halloween, and a math off…

Go to episode:

Season 61, Episodes 32-36, Spoiler Level MS (Medium Spoilers) or CFS (Crazy ** Spoilers) if you are Stacy

Anna shoots the intruder, Drew is back, Diane asks Robert on a date, and we learn so much about Lois. In Fashion First Stacy and Kathy loved all the Halloween costumes, but are confused about what Joss was? And in Musings they discuss the Davis sisters, the fact that washing apples is not sexy, all the great conversations between the kids, how Laura should not have given an inch to Cyrus, and so much more…

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. Drop us a review. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at and Kathy at

Recorded 11-5-23, Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans.

Ep 45: Trina’s Glorious Rage

Go to episode:

Season 61, Episodes 32-36, Spoiler Level MS (Medium Spoilers)

Liz and Finn go to Vermont, Cyrus makes his evil rounds, Michael officially blackmails Nina, and Sasha is no longer moving to Texas! In Fashion First Stacy and Kathy are at odds over Nina’s dress. And in Musings they discuss Adam the stalker, whether the OG writers are back, Sonny’s confrontation with Selina, if TJ will save Mason, Trina and Portia’s rage, and so much more…

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. Drop us a review. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at and Kathy at

Recorded 10-28-23, Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans.

Ep 44: Blaze teleports to Puerto Rico

and other Happenings…

Go to episode:

Season 61, Episodes 27-31, Spoiler Level CFS (Crazy ** Spoilers)

Sonny figures out Cyrus is behind it all, Blaze appears in Puerto Rico for Kristina, Alexis fumbles the interview with Judge Kim, and Mason goes off script and tries to kill Ava. In Fashion First we discuss the polarizing Lois sweater. And in Musings they discuss how Charlotte needs to confide in her grandma, Cody needs to tell Mac, Sasha should not leave (because we love her), and Michael knows about Nina but he’s not telling…yet.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. Drop us a review. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at and Kathy at

Recorded 10-21-23, Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans.

Ep 43: Rich people on planes…

Go to episode:

Season 61, Episodes 23-26, Spoiler Level MS (Medium Spoilers)

Spinelli is back! Michael finds out Nina ratted Drew and Carly out to the SEC at the wedding, Lois and Olivia reunite, and Gregory and Chase hug it out. In Fashion First Kathy questions why she wrote down Gladys’ name. And in Musings they discuss whether Curtis will sell the Savoy, Cyrus being out of prison, and what happens now that Lucy took Tracy’s deal.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. Drop us a review. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at and Kathy at

Recorded 10-14-23, Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans.

Ep 42: Gladys faces Sonny’s wrath and

is finally run out of town

Go to episode:

Season 61, Episodes 15-22, Spoiler Level CFS (Crazy ** Spoilers)

Sonny brings the hurt on Gladys in the form of his most serious expression, our fireplace theory takes a beating, Dr. M goes full evil but finally goes down, Chase finds out about his dad from Tracy, and where on earth is Ava? In Fashion First Stacy and Kathy compliment Trina’s expert use of a robe. And in Musings they discuss how Charlotte is going full Cassadine, Eddie’s great performance at the Savoy, and will we get a possible SEC reveal at the elopement?

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. Drop us a review. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at and Kathy at

Recorded 10-8-23, Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans.

Ep 41: Question Extravaganza Episode

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Kathy and Stacy answer each other’s burning questions. What is their favorite couples, storylines, and wardrobes? Which characters would they like to see return? Why does Kathy hate Nina? And which Port Charles Softball team will be victorious this season?

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. Drop us a review. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at and Kathy at

Recorded 9-23-23, Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans.

Ep 40: Season 61

Shower assaults…and a host of

general complaints

Go to episode:

Season 61, Episodes (we have no idea at this point), Spoiler Level MS (Medium Spoilers)

Listen in as Kathy and Stacy gripe about Friday’s episode, wonder if Charlotte really is the culprit, discuss the “too good for life” surrogate, and ponder the naked Drew shower scene. In Fashion First Stacy demands immediate disposal of Diane’s jacket. And in Musings they wonder if Kristina and Blaze are giving couple vibes, how wrong the scene was with Robert and Diane, and why on earth would Gregory tell Tracy before he tells Chase?!?!

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. Drop us a review. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at and Kathy at

Recorded 9-23-23, Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans.

Ep 39: Season 61 Episodes 1-5

The Fab Four UNITE!… and we

meet someone new with big white shoes

Go to episode:

Season 61, Episodes 1-5, Spoiler Level MS (Medium Spoilers)

Dante and Sam join Cody and Sasha in the safe house cabin in the woods with fresh air, Anna’s room is ransacked with ink and not blood, Tracy and Blair reveal their entire plots to each other over a single dinner, and Nik is going to Europe to tell his mother he is alive because telling her via a simple video call would not be as practical. In Fashion First they discuss the vampire pirate jacket Ava was wearing. And in Musings Stacy and Kathy wonder wear Taggart is and who will be the ultimate champion in the Port Charles Softball line up.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. Drop us a review. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at and Kathy at

Recorded 9-16-23, Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans.

Ep 38: Season 60 Episodes 246-249

What is Portia’s deal?

Go to episode:

Season 60, Episodes 246-249, Spoiler Level MS (Medium Spoilers)

Cody rescues Sasha, Portia is mad at Anna, everyone blames Michael, and Anna trails Valentin. In Fashion First Kathy actually likes a pool coverup. And in Musings Stacy and Kathy discuss Eddie Maine’s song about sirens and shadows and what board game someone might be playing next.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. Drop us a review. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at and Kathy at

Recorded 9-11-23, Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans.

Ep 37: Season 60 Episodes 241-245

Oh, Hello Nik…

Go to episode:

Season 60, Episodes 241-245, Spoiler Level MS (Medium Spoilers)

Sonny is arrested, Nik is back enjoying a beer on Austin’s couch, Gladys somehow convinces Nina not to tell Sonny about Sasha’s horrible situation, and is Cyrus trying to save Drew by serving up Pikeman? In Fashion First Stacy an Kathy are still at odds about Trina’s dress. And in Musings the wonder how influential Ms. Woo is with regards to the Sonny arrest, what is happening to Molly’s, Kristina’s and Joss’ character, and who will buy Spoon Island.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. Drop us a review. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at and Kathy at

Recorded 9-2-23, Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans.

Ep 36: Season 60 Episodes 236-240

Austin is in league with Cyrus?!?!

Go to episode:

Season 60, Episodes 236-240, Spoiler Level CFS (Crazy ** Spoilers)

Austin reveals he saved Nik. Marshall kicks Ms. Woo out of the Savoy. Gladys realizes what is happening to Sasha. AND Deception assets are frozen. In Fashion First we learn that Kathy has active distain for poolside coverups, and Stacy uses the word “pooched” in a sentence. And in Musings they ponder the continuing mystery of where Valentin lives, why they feel Sam shouldn’t have been convinced by Cody, and how they really need to understand what the deal is between Finn and Tracy.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. Drop us a review. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at and Kathy at

Recorded 8-27-23, Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans.

Ep 35: Season 60 Episodes 231-235

Valentin is a lying liar who lies

Go to episode:

Season 60, Episodes 231-235, Spoiler Level MS (Medium Spoilers)

Why is Valentin lying to Anna (and lying so badly)? Gregory finally let’s Finn know about his ALS. Marshall is going to run the Savoy and hopefully run Ms. Woo right out of it. In Fashion First Kathy and Stacy disagree about almost all the fashion this week. And in Musings they dig into the Pikeman mystery, discuss their confusion about Molly’s character switch, and love on the luau scene with Tracy.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. Drop us a review. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at and Kathy at

Recorded 8-20-23, Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans.

Ep 34: Season 60 Episodes 226-230

Bar fights and Bonfires

Go to episode:

Season 60, Episodes 226-230, Spoiler Level MS (Medium Spoilers)

Maxie might move into Lulu’s! Anna goes jogging at night and leaves her house unlocked. Nina whines about waking up alone and Avery is growing fond of Betty – so not cool. Kathy really didn’t like Gladys’ purple cheetah pool coverup, but both Stacy and Kathy loved Kristina’s no make-up chat with Alexis. In musings Portia continues to double down on Spencer hate, Sasha’s terrible storyline continues, and why does Stacy think Gregory and Tracy have chemistry? Let’s discuss.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. Drop us a review. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at and Kathy at

Recorded 8-13-23, Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans.

Ep 33: Season 60 Episodes 221-225

Cyrus looking sharp for the devil

Go to episode:

Season 60, Episodes 221-225, Spoiler Level NBD (No Big Deal Spoilers)

Stacy and Kathy delve into the conversation Trish and Kristina have in the Metro Court bathroom, how Drew saved Cyrus and all he got for doing so was a stint in solitary, the opposite of fun times Laura and Kevin had “somewhere in Greece,” and the ramifications of Molly’s and TJ’s decision to have a baby. After that they dive into fashion (Liz for the WIN) and finish off with theories and guesses about the current (and upcoming?) storylines (including whether Austin is a doofus and how Kristina cannot stay inside a lane).

Side note – Can we talk about the stuffed toy sitting next to Willow? What is the meaning behind it? Kathy is obsessed.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. Drop us a review. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at and Kathy at

Recorded 8-5-23, Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans.

Ep 32: Season 60 Episodes 216-220

Overdue Confessions

(and Stacy’s and Kathy’s dreams come true)

Go to episode:

Season 60, Episodes 216-220, Spoiler Level NBD (No Big Deal Spoilers)

Stacy and Kathy are positive that the GH writers are listening to this podcast (and cannot be convinced otherwise) because their long-desired requests came true this week. Besides “Somewhere in Chechnya” and the return of the Davis sisters, Ava reveals all to Sonny (who goes predictably sinister), Cody comes clean with Dante, the romance game was on point (except for an awkward scene with an ice cube, and LULU IS COMING BACK! After that they dive into fashion and finish off with theories and guesses about the current (and upcoming?) storylines.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. Drop us a review. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at and Kathy at

Recorded 7-29-23, Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans.

Ep 31: Season 60 Episodes 211-215

Prisons and Prisoners

Go to episode:

Season 60, Episodes 211-215, Spoiler Level CFS (Crazy ** Spoilers)

Stacy and Kathy discuss the most important happenings this week including Sasha stabbing Cody/Cyrus, Dante helping Anna, Esme visiting her crazy mom in prison, and Curtis’ diagnosis. After that they dive into fashion and finish off with theories and guesses about the current (and upcoming?) storylines.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. Drop us a review. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at and Kathy at

Recorded 7-23-23, Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans.

Ep 30: Season 60 Episodes 206-210

Curtis is shot

Go to episode:

Season 60, Episodes 206-210, Spoiler Level NBD (No Big Deal Spoilers)

Stacy and Kathy discuss the most important happenings this week including the pursuit of the truth around who is paying Martin $50K a month, Curtis’ fight for survival after being shot, Sasha’s shoplifting, and how Gladys may not be redeemable. After that they dive into fashion and finish off with thoughts, theories, and guesses about the current (and upcoming?) storylines.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. Drop us a review. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at and Kathy at

Recorded 7-16-23, Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans.

Ep 29: Season 60 Episodes 202-205

Felicia Scorpio Private Eye

Go to episode:

Season 60, Episodes 202-205, Spoiler Level NBD (No Big Deal Spoilers)

New format! Stacy and Kathy discuss the most important happenings this week including Sasha taking the pills the suspicious doctor prescribed to her, Felicia’s investigations into shady Martin, the truth behind Tracy’s interest in Deception, and the unfortunate situation she’s placed her granddaughter in. After that they dive into fashion and finish off with theories and guesses about the current (and upcoming?) storylines. Next week we’ll find out if we were right. Come guess with us!

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. Drop us a review. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at and Kathy at

Recorded 7-8-23, Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans.

Ep 28: Season 60 Episodes 197-201

Lucy is going to spy on Martin

Go to episode:

Season 60, Episodes 197-201, Spoiler Level NBD (No Big Deal Spoilers)

This week Lucy enlists Felicia’s help to spy on Martin, Austin does Ava dirty (in more ways than one), and Spencer reverts to his old ways. In Fashion First, Kathy talks about how much she loved all the shirts. And finally, in Musings, Stacy thinks Robert is clueless and Violet is a wizard with her father’s phone, and Kathy firmly believes we’re headed for jailhouse library scenes with Drew and Cyrus.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. Drop us a review. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at and Kathy at

Recorded 7-1-23, Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans.

Ep 27: Season 60 Episodes 192-196

Gladys sees through a bluff

Go to episode:

Season 60, Episodes 192-196, Spoiler Level MS (Medium Spoilers)

In Storylines this week Stacy and Kathy discuss the Eddie Maine (spelled like the state) drama, the attempted bluff by Cody and Spinelli, and how the judge threw the book (and the entire library) at Drew during sentencing. They discuss all the fashion in Fashion First, and in Musings they dig into all of Jordan’s conversations (yay for Taggart!) and the fabulous conversation with Lucy, Maxie, and Sasha. It was a phenomenal week of stories!

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. Drop us a review. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at and Kathy at

Recorded 6-24-23, Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans.

Ep 26: Season 60 Episodes 188-191

Backgammon is not sexy

Go to episode:

Season 60, Episodes 188-191, Spoiler Level MS (Medium Spoilers)

This week was a long run on sentence of soap opera drama and Stacy and Kathy have a lot to say about it all. From Taggert’s heartbreak to Ned’s memory loss, there is a lot to talk (more like rant) about.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. Drop us a review. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at and Kathy at

Recorded 6-17-23, Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans.

Ep 25: Season 60 Episodes 184-187

Ned trips on a towel

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Season 60, Episodes 184-187, Spoiler Level MS (Medium Spoilers)

Carly is confronted by Michael and Joss in her kitchen about the evidence they have against Sonny. Ned trips on a towel and nearly drowns after he overhears the truth about Nina and the SEC. In Musings, Stacy and Kathy chat about how Stacy had to watch the Jordan/Zeke scenes on a plane, the strange things that are happening in Portia’s brain, the weird scene with Willow and a nurse, and the fantastic but tragic conversation between Sonny and Anna.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. Drop us a review. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at and Kathy at

Recorded 6-10-23, Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans.

Ep 24: Season 60 Episodes 180-183

Victor’s Evil Legacy

Go to episode:

Season 60, Episodes 180-183, Spoiler Level NBD (No Big Deal Spoilers)

Kathy and Stacy have a special guest this week in the form of another cousin, Mandy, who contributes to our Fashion First section. But first, they cover the mistakes Curtis continues to make with Portia and Jordan, the drama surrounding Victor’s will reading, and the escalating SEC situation. It was a great fashion week with Olivia’s dress and Carly’s shirt taking top place. And finally, in Musings they discuss Molly’s experience, Diane’s acceptance of the news Holly is gone, and whatever Mason’s evil plot is.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. Drop us a review. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at and Kathy at

Recorded 6-4-23, Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans.

Ep 23: Season 60 Episodes 175-179

The love triangle no one wanted

Go to episode:

Season 60, Episodes 175-179, Spoiler Level NBD (No Big Deal Spoilers)

Kathy and Stacy discuss the Curtis, Portia, Jordan love triangle no one wanted and Sonny’s proposal to Nina (UGH). In Fashion First, Diane’s own brilliance shown through her fantastic suit while no one in hair and wardrobe showed up to fix whatever sparkly sack Ava was wearing. And finally, in Musings they comment on the fabulous Davis sisters, theorize on Tracy’s end goal, and Stacy gets personal talking about the conversation Molly and TJ had.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. Drop us a review. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at and Kathy at

Recorded 5-27-23, Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans.

Ep 22: Season 60 Episodes 170-174

Curtis treads a dark path

Go to episode:

Season 60, Episodes 170-174, Spoiler Level NBD (No Big Deal Spoilers)

A lot went down on the DNA front this week involving Trina, Curtis, Portia, and Jordan. Kathy and Stacy had VERY strong feelings about how Curtis is handling it – can we just say no? Sasha overcame obstacles on live television (with a little help from friends). In Fashion First, Stacy loved Diane’s light blue suit, however both of them disliked Portia’s orange prison jumpsuit dress. And finally, in Musings they discuss Robert’s temper tantrum at the PCPD as well as his conversation with Anna about his romance problems. Thoughts about why Esme took a job? And on the Cody front, how they would much prefer he go scuba diving for the ice princess than double down on a lie for it.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. Drop us a review. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at and Kathy at

Recorded 5-20-23, Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans.

Ep 21: Season 60 Episodes 165-169

Diane rage-drinks champagne

Go to episode:

Season 60, Episodes 165-169, Spoiler Level MS (Medium Spoilers)

Can we talk about what the SEC investigation fallout is going to be for Carly, Drew, Nina, and Ned? Poor Ned. At least his daughter believes him. Everyone is home from Greenland, but we’re pretty sure Valentin teleported to Port Charles. Willow finally convinces Michael to drop his vendetta against Sonny, so (of course) we had to bring back “wtf Michael?”. In Fashion First, Kathy shocks Stacy with a love for a dress style Stacy actively despises. And finally, in Musings they discuss whether Liesl and Scotty will reunite, how much Robert screwed things up with Diane, and how much Stacy dislikes Gladys.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at and Kathy at

Recorded 5-14-23, Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans.

Ep 20: Season 60 Episodes 160-164

Laura saves the world

Go to episode:

Season 60, Episodes 160-164, Spoiler Level CFS (Crazy ** Spoilers)

Somewhere in Greenland a lot happened, and Stacy and Kathy talk about it all. After Stacy covers Willow’s tragic story back in Port Charles, Kathy breaks down all the Greenland action splitting everything into teams – Team Anna, Team Liesl, Team Laura, Team Trina, and Team Felicia. In Fashion First Stacy reviews it all because Kathy was mentally exhausted trying to piece together the action in Greenland. And finally, in Musings, Kathy gives her theory on what Sonny is up to with Pikeman. They discuss how Diane shows up for Robert even though she’s still mad at him and how much they love the actors on the show.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at and Kathy at

Recorded 5-5-23, Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans.

Ep 19: Season 60 Episodes 155-159

A Wedding Week

Go to episode:

Season 60, Episodes 155-159, Spoiler Level NBD (No Big Deal Spoilers)

Stacy and Kathy cover all the details about Victor’s plan to annihilate life on planet earth, the crack team sent in to stop him, and the drama in Anna’s hospital room. They also chat about Michael’s and Willow’s wedding and Ava’s excellent counseling of Nina. In Fashion First they dish about the hits and misses of wedding fashion and Brick’s choice of “secret meeting” suit. And finally, in Musings, they discuss the poor treatment of Diane by Robert and Holly, how Dex successfully set up a camera but is now doubting his own intentions, Ned’s uncharacteristic behavior (or is it normal for him?), and that bizarre camera set up they used for Willow’s walk down the aisle.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at and Kathy at

Recorded 4-29-23, Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans.

Ep 18: Season 60 Episodes 150-154

Gregory confides in Alexis…

and it is tragic

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Season 60, Episodes 150-154, Spoiler Level MS (Medium Spoilers)

Stacy and Kathy chat about Gregory’s diagnosis and how he finally (FINALLY) confides in Alexis. They then cover all the goings on with the Victor story. WHO IS GOING TO BE THROWN OFF THE BOAT?!?! Ahem…. because at this point someone has to be. In Fashion First we find out who is right about poofy sleeves, three-quarter sleeves, and large anime zippers. And finally, in Musings, they discuss the importance of the Carly, Ava, Nina conversation, the cute chemistry with Robert and Diane, the drama around Cody and Gladys, and what the hell is Ned thinking?

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at and Kathy at 

Recorded 4-23-23, Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans.

Ep 17: Season 60 Episodes 145-149

Trina’s going to save them all

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Season 60, Episodes 145-149, Spoiler Level MS (Medium Spoilers)

Stacy and Kathy agree that Trina is an action hero with a sparkly purse. She is amazing. Victor’s evil plans are revealed in all their insane glory, and Willow plans her future with Michael (it involves Maxie who has a new hairdo – can we all just pause and talk about that?). In Fashion First they swoon over Alexis, but fret over Brook Lynn. Finally, in Musings, they chat about Cody’s plan to protect Sasha, all the times Kathy cried this week, who is coming together because of Victor and his evilness, Sonny’s involvement in nearly everything that happens in Port Charles, and much, much more.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at and Kathy at

Recorded 4-15-23, Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans.

Ep 16: Season 60 Episodes 141-144

The Glorious Nurse’s Ball!

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Season 60, Episodes 141-144, Spoiler Level CFS (Crazy ** Spoilers)

This week is entirely about the Nurse’s Ball – that wonderful, crazy, glorious event. Oh…and Victor. It looks like his schemes have reached the point of no return. We also talk a lot about the fashion. I mean, what did you expect? FASHION FIRST!

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at and Kathy at

Recorded 4-8-23, Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans.

Ep 15: Season 60 Episodes 136-140

Epiphany’s emotional good-bye

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Season 60, Episodes 136-140, Spoiler Level CFS (Crazy ** Spoilers)

Stacy and Kathy discuss Epiphany’s beautiful send off (and all the tears associated with it), how Victor finally takes care of Eileen in true evil doer fashion, and Maxie’s valiant attempts to keep Lucy in check while she preps for the Nurse’s Ball. In the Fashion First segment they cover how Maxie and Liz won the week along with how much Kathy hates turtlenecks. And finally, in Musings, they chat about how careers are handled on the soap, whether Esme can be redeemed, the great conversation Marshall had with both Trina and Spencer, and the emotional good-bye for Cameron as he leaves for Stanford.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at and Kathy at

Recorded 4-3-23, Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans.

Ep 14:

Bonus! Deep Dive - Nurse’s Ball

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In their first Deep Dive, Stacy and Kathy cover a quick history of the Nurse’s Ball and what they are looking forward to in this year’s event. Will Lucy be in her underwear? Who will be a Magic Wand? (Please, for Stacy’s sake, let it be Curtis.) Spend a few minutes with them as they marvel at this red carpet spectacular. Fangirling and wild speculation is completely acceptable.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. And let us know your own thoughts about the Nurse’s Ball. 

Reach Stacy at and 

Kathy at

Recorded 3-25-23, Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans.

Ep 13: Season 60 Episodes 131-135

Valentin Panics

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Season 60, Episodes 131-135, Spoiler Level NBD (No Big Deal)

Stacy and Kathy discuss Lucy’s escape and how it affected Valentin’s and Anna’s relationship, why Esme decided to live with Laura and Spencer (and why she might leave), and how Sonny’s troubles continue to escalate. In the Fashion First segment they give props to Jordan and Trina. And finally, in Musings, they chat about the lovely and honest conversation between Curtis and Trina, the absolutely not acceptable moment between Curtis and Jordan, the foreshadowing around Epiphany, how Cody made Gladys feel uncomfortable, Willow’s matchmaking, Chase and Brook Lynn’s continued heartbreak, the fact that Alexis and Gregory now have chemistry, and Marshall’s view on life as he strives to find a place in it.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at and Kathy at

Recorded 3-25-23, Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans.

Ep 12: Season 60 Episodes 126-130

Victor Visits the Doctor

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Season 60, Episodes 126-139, Spoiler Level MS (Medium Spoilers)

Stacy and Kathy dive into Victor’s medical diagnosis, how Sonny’s need for more bodyguards may bring him back to Carly (only Kathy thinks this), Cameron’s calling out of Joss, and Liesl’s future as Willow’s donor. In the Fashion First segment they cover Brook Lynn’s dress, Scout’s jacket, and Carly’s necklace. And finally, in Musings, they discuss Alexis (Stacy’s spirit animal) and her battle of wits with Gregory, Dante calling out Cody’s lies, Mac and Kevin giving each other best friend hugs, Nina’s decision to not rat out Carly and Drew, the fun flirtations between Diane and Robert and Chase and Brook Lynn, Lucy’s terrible disguise, Esme’s letter from her mother, and a preview of the Nurses Ball Deep Dive.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at and Kathy at

Recorded 3-20-23, Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans.

Ep 11: Season 60 Episodes 121-125

Nina and Ava gossip for justice

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Season 60, Episodes 121-125, Spoiler Level NBD (No Big Deal)

Stacy and Kathy discuss the fever dream gossip session between Nina and Ava, how Esme is taking Ace with her to Spring Ridge despite the misgivings of everyone around her, and why Eileen decides to sleep with Victor to get information. In the Fashion First segment they cover Nina’s fantastic suit jackets. And finally, in Musings, they cover why Molly and TJ are the cutest, how Gladys is getting away with selling the garage, Cameron’s exit, the mess Carly and Drew made in the kitchen, Cody’s success in making friends in the stable, how the NURSE’S BALL IS HAPPENING and Maxie is in full planning mode, Marshall’s diagnosis, and the possibility that Dex may be the future chef of Port Charles?

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. Reach Stacy at and Kathy at

Recorded 3-11-23, Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans.

Ep 10: Season 60 Episodes 116-120

Eileen faces off with a ghost

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Season 60, Episodes 116-120, Spoiler Level MS (Medium Spoilers)

Stacy and Kathy discuss Liesl’s fury, Dante’s search for Nik on Spoon Island while Ava and Austin stand around looking awkward, Eileen’s spectacular encounter in the morgue, and the Davis sister’s brunch. In the Fashion First segment they spend a lot of time talking about shirts. And finally, in Musings, they chat about the budding romance between Diane and Robert, Alexis’ meddling in Gregory’s personal life, Dex cooking chicken for Sonny, Sasha and Brook Lynn discussing Chase at Kelly’s diner, Kathy’s issue with the sauna (but specifically about towels), and how awful it was to see Victor holding little Ace.

Recorded 3-5-23, Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans.

Ep 9: Season 60 Episodes 111-115

Showdown at Spoon Island

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To Be Season 60, Episodes 111-115, Spoiler Level CFS (Crazy ** Spoilers)

Stacy and Kathy discuss the Spoon Island showdown including the mind games, the revelations and what we hope is Ryan’s final threats to Ava and Felicia. In the Fashion First segment they cover leggings and ultra-long dress shirts. And finally, in Musings, they theorize on the coincidence of a Corinthos and Cassedine baby being born within a week of each other, Spencer and Trina’s first kiss, Taggert’s continued ability to say the right things, Esme’s memory loss, Nina and Sonny using threats to pave a way to Willow, Ava’s revelation to Spencer, Sasha taking control, and what on earth is going on with Nik’s body.

Thank you for listening to our General Hospital podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and tell your friends. And let us know your own musings and theories and fashion notes. 

Recorded 2-26-23, Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans

Ep 8: Season 60 Episodes 106-110

Prison Break Out

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Season 60, Episodes 106-110, Spoiler Level CFS (Crazy ** Spoilers)

Stacy and Kathy discuss the events which unfolded at the wedding of Portia and Curtis, Heather’s and Ryan’s long-anticipated prison break out, and why Dante and Sam finally locating Maggie the nanny led to some important revelations about Esme. In the Fashion First segment we learn that the color red won the week. And finally, in Musings, they discuss the brief call out to Brick, how their fireplace theory remains intact, deputy mayor Eileen’s continued haunting, how much they want a story line for Terry and Yuri, Carly bridging a gap for Liesl and Willow, the upcoming Quartermaine wedding, and the chaos that will surely unfold at Wyndemere next week.

Recorded 2-18-23, Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans

Ep 7: Season 60 Episodes 101-105

Ava and Austin play hide the body

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Season 60, Episodes 101-105, Spoiler Level CFS (Crazy ** Spoilers)

Stacy and Kathy discuss Nik going full evil and paying the price, Ava and Austin’s team up to hide the body, Willow’s tragic diagnosis, and the split second that was the rehearsal dinner for Portia and Curtis. In the Fashion First segment (newly introduced this week) they discuss what they loved and didn’t love about wardrobe choices. Then, in the Musings segment, they ponder the demise of Victor and Link, among many other questions. Will Chase risk his job again to save Blaze? Will Eileen’s haunting bring Kathy the joy she is looking for? Why is Liesl in every storyline? Why is Alexis insisting Gregory to work for the Invader? And how will Mason interfere with Ava’s and Austin’s plan to hide Nik?

Recorded 2-11-23, Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans

Ep 6: Season 60 Episodes 96-100

Spencer’s takedown of his father

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Season 60, Episodes 96-100, Spoiler Level MS (Medium Spoilers)

Stacy and Kathy discuss Stella’s dilemma (will Portia be the one to tell Curtis first?), Willow’s dance with death, and Spencer’s full on Cassadine move against his father. Then they wonder about the upcoming ‘bust out of prison’ scene with Heather, Ryan and their amnesia ridden daughter Esme, question whether we will meet Wanda (please oh please), Brad and Liesl’s goodbyes at Britt’s memorial, Nina’s moment with Willow, Charlotte’s future character arc, Maxie’s wise advice to Sasha about grief, and whether Chase will get his badge back by taking Link down.

Recorded 2-5-23, Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans

Ep 5: Season 60 Episodes 91-95

Lucy’s Rescue

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General Hospital Season 60, Episodes 91-95, Spoiler Level MS (Medium Spoilers)

Stacy and Kathy discuss the tragic after-breakup conversation between Cameron and Joss, the drama in the Paris catacombs (and the exuberant reunions afterward), and Willow’s continued health crisis (accompanied by Nina’s ramped up revenge plotting). Then they chat about Ava’s brewing confrontation with the Gatlins, Nik’s spiral to oblivion, Liz’s mom’s and whether she can be redeemed, Cody overhearing Gladys’ betrayal of Sasha, and what might happen with Sam and Dante while they are in London.

Recorded 1-28-23, Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans

Ep 4: Season 60 Episodes 86-90

Esme meets her mom

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General Hospital Season 60, Episodes 86-90, Spoiler Level NBD (No Big Deal)

Stacy and Kathy discuss Willow and the swirling crisis around her, Marshall’s grilling by Portia and Curtis, and Esme meeting her crazy momma. Then they delve into whether Victor is spread too thin on his blackmailing attempts, how much trouble Nik might be in, Anna and Valentin in Paris, Austin standing up for himself, Liesl’s vendetta part two, Cameron’s broken heart, and fashion notables of the week.

Recorded 1-22-23, Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans

Ep 3: Season 60 Episodes 81-85

Willow’s Fever Dream

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General Hospital Season 60, Episodes 81-85, Spoiler Level CFS (Crazy ** Spoilers)

Stacy and Kathy discuss Willow’s fever dream (or is it reality), how Carly finally comes clean, and Esme’s new lawyer. Then they dive into future romance couples, storylines they can’t wait for, and finish everything off with the good, bad, and the absolutely horrifying fashion choices of the week.

Recorded 1-17-23, Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans

Ep 2: Season 60 Episodes 76-80

Escape Plans

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General Hospital Season 60 – Episodes 76-80, Spoiler Level CFS (Crazy ** Spoilers)

Stacy and Kathy discuss Britt’s tragedy, Joss’ questionable decision-making, and Esme’s escape plan. Then they dive into why everyone seems to have secret conversations in public spaces, Heather’s next move, Carly’s conundrum, fashion choices of the week, and Liesl Obrecht’s true north.

Recorded 1-8-23, Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans

Ep 1: Season 60 Episodes 72-75

Britt throws a party

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In their first episode, Stacy and Kathy discuss Willow’s health crisis, Carly’s lies, the joy of Laura being in a room with her brothers, and Britt’s phenomenal birthday bash. Afterward they dive into Spencer’s character arc, theories about the Hook, Sonny running guns?, upcoming explosions, Gladys’ dark journey, and what the heck is going on with Nik.

Recorded 1-1-23, Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans

Introduction to Are We GHing?

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Stacy and Kathy are cousins who love watching General Hospital together. Every week they will share their thoughts about the drama, romance, and arguably questionable fashion choices. After a suitable spoiler warning they will cover the important storylines before veering off into tangents about their theories, opinions, and possibilities for future character arcs. It is a funny, irreverent view of a truly amazing soap opera.

Music by Alex Robinson and logo by Jakob Evans

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